About Me
Hi there! I’m Doris Waite and I was the first dental hygienist to work in Owen Sound in the late 1970’s! That was quite the shock after moving from Toronto where I was born and raised, but I met my husband there and he is from this area.
I have always loved working with kids so it was great to work with a Certified Specialist in Orthodontics when we moved here. I worked there for 34 years. Now, I feel old!!
Since 2012, I have been working with children to develop and tone their muscles to help them breathe, chew and swallow properly. What still stumps me is why other professionals just don’t “get it” like we do! We understand that mouth breathing of any kind is very unhealthy but especially for children whose brains are growing and developing. Still think it’s cute to hear a baby snore??!
Ever see toddlers walking around with their mouths hanging open? Not cute! If you knew what mouth breathing does to a child’s facial and dental development, you would agree with me. If you understood how mouth breathing in kids can stunt their mental growth, you’d be shocked! Why don’t other professionals know about this? Well, I’m working on them!
So, snoring is not good and neither is sleep apnea in adults OR children. Sometimes even babies have sleep apnea especially if they are premies. You know what else isn’t good? Not being able to get to sleep, not wanting to get up in the morning, falling asleep during the day and having trouble getting your child to bed without a dozen excuses every night. I can help with ALL of these problems.

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist
Registered Buteyko Breathing Educator
The Tongue and Lung Lady
In October 2019, I travelled to China where I had the opportunity to speak to dentists and orthodontists about myofunctional therapy, mouth breathing and tethered oral tissues. In the 10 cities where I spoke over a two week period, I showed them how proper muscle function can grow beautiful faces and the importance of having children nose breathe full time during their growing years. In all, I spoke to over 820 professionals and they want me to return soon. I’m looking forward to being able to share the knowledge there again in the future.
Living in Owen Sound for the past four decades has led me to pursue several interests. Singing has been a passion for me all my life and I currently sing in a Barbershop Quartet called Rhythmix. I also love to play bridge, garden, walk in the summer and snowshoe in the winter with my dog. My husband and I also have two Siamese cats. We have two sons who both live and work in the area so are close by. One of my sons has blessed us with a beautiful grandson.

Drooling, mouth breathing, snoring, restless sleep, blocked or runny nose, ear infections, bedwetting, difficulty focusing……
Call me to schedule an appointment and find out how I can help you get you and your child’s life back on track.